Jugal Kishor Tiwari
Educational qualification
M.Sc Zoology (Entomology)
- First Class (2nd Rank in the University) from the University of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.
+91 98252 48135.
[email protected]
- Worked as an Ecologist with the Seawater Forests Initiative USA. Work experience in the Field of Mangroves and Halophyte Afforestation and Seawater Wetlands Conservation in Eritrea NE Africa (3 years), America and Mexico (2) months.
- Worked as a Field Scientist from (1989 to 1995) with the Bombay Natural History Society at the following field stations.
- Bird Migration Study project. Ringed 15000 birds of 250 species in the following research stations.
1. Madhav National Park, Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh (1989).
2. Dachigam National Park, Srinagar (J&K).
3. Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamilnadu.
4. Aji and Nyari Dams, Rajkot, Gujarat.
5. Banni Grassland, Kutch, Gujarat in Bird Migration and Grassland Ecology Project (1990 to 1995).
- From December 1995 to August 2000, worked as an Assistant Manager Wildlife and Environment with the Asia’s largest Cement Industry (Sanghi Cement) in Kutch district of Gujarat. Work responsibilities included Eco-restoration of the project site. Founder Incharge of the Nature Conservation Centre. Planted 60, 000 plants (Mostly Indigenous flora such as Salvadora persica and Acacia nilotica etc.).
- Trained Scout and National Service Scheme Cadet.
- Runner up High School Hockey tournament at the State level.
- Games participated Football, Hockey and Volley ball at the School and University level.
- Writer Popular Articles on Wildlife and Environment for the Gujarati News paper “Kutch Mitra” so far written over 100 articles. Also written Wildlife Articles in Hindi and English News papers.
- Published over 20 Articles in National and International Science Magazines on Birds, Wildlife, Weeds, Vishnoi community and Fossils.
- Given 32 Radio Programs on Wildlife and Environment in four languages at the ALL-Indio Radio Bhuj, Kutch, Gujarat, India. Two television Interviews (Z TV) on the problem of Weeds Prosopis Juliflora in Kutch district.
- Won 1995 Forktail Leica Award of U.K. The research grant was given for the Survey of the Endemic and Endangered Species of bird White-naped Tit Parus nuchalis in Gujarat and Rajasthan.
- Won the Best participant award in the Nature Orientation Camp organized by the Bombay Natural History Society in 1987. Camp was held at the IIT Powai Bombay.
- Attended the BNHS Raptor Identification Workshop held at the Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur 22nd November to 29thNovember 1993.
- Won Consolation Prize in the All India Nature Photographer of the year contest.
- Founded the Thar Nature Club in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India in 1987.
- Attended the one month duration workshop on the Vertebrate Ecology held at Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamilnadu 1989.
- Received Funding Assistance (1470 Pounds Sterling) from Club 300‘s Foundation For Bird protection Sweden for the Ornithological survey of the Little and the Great Rann of Kutch, Gujarat, India.
- Received Funding Assistance (500$) from the Station Biological De la Tour De la Valat France for the Survey of Pelicans in Kutch, Gujarat, India.
- Received 500 $ research grant from the Danish Ornithological Society for the Survey of the South Indian Hills for the status of endangered and endemic species of Bird Parus nuchalis White-naped Tit.
- Attended 29th National Workshop on the Environment and Forestry in mining areas, organized at the Rajputana Palace Sheraton in October 1998.
- Attended regional workshop on mining and ecology in Kutch organized at Panandhro GMDC, Kutch, Gujarat.
- Attended Important Bird Areas Workshop (23rd and 24th September 1999) at Jaipur, organized by the BNHS, RSPB and the Birdlife International U.K.
- Attended Workshop on “Biodiversity Conservation, Problem and Prospects” organized by the Gujarat Ecology Commission and WWF at Baroda (12th January 2000).
- Tiwari, J.K. (1989): Imitation behavior of a House Crow. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 29 (11-12) : 9
- Tiwari, J.K. (1990): Bird count across a lagoon in Kutch. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 30 (3-4): 6-7.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1991): Notes from Rajasthan on Pied Chat and Marbled Teal. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 31(5-6): 13.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1991): Nesting of Golden Oriole and Presence of Crested Bunting in Pali-Udaipur border forest of Rajasthan. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 31 (9-10) : 15
- Tiwari, J.K. (1992): An unusual nesting site of Pied Myna. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 32 (3-4) 12.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1992): Sight and breeding record of Indian Jungle Crow from Pali District Rajasthan. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 32 (3-4) : 12-13.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1993): Unusual nesting behavior of House sparrow. Newsletter for birdwatchers 33 (3): 52.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1993): Large clutch of house Sparrow. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 33 (5): 95.
- Tiwari, J.K (1993): Sightings of Eastern Calandra Lark, Melanocorypha bimaculata (Blyth) in Kutch. In: Bird Conservation : Strategies for Nineties and beyond. Eds : Verghese, A, ; Sridhar, S. & Chakravarthy, A.K.) Ornithological Society of India, Bangalore. P. 103.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1993): Occurrence of Ciconia episcopus (Boddaert) in Kutch. In : Bird Conservation ; Strategies for Nineties and Beyond. Eds. Verghese, A. ; Sridhar S. & Chakravarthy, A.K,) Ornithological Society of India , Bangalore. P. 103.
- Tiwari, J.K (1993) Great White Pelican Pelicanus onocrotauls [sic] Linnaeus recoveries from Kutch and Rajkot Districts of Gujarat. In Bird Conservation : Strategies for Nineties and beyond. (Eds. Verghese, A. ; Sridhar, S. & Chakravarthy, A.K.) Ornithological Society of India, Bangalore. P. 104.
- Tiwari, J.K (1993): New breeding site for Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus in India. Specialist Group on Storks, Ibises, and Spoonbills Newsletter 6(1/2) : 5-6.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1994): Nesting of Short-toed Eagle in Kutch. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 34 (6): 137.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1995): A nesting record for Pheasnt-tailed Jacana from Kutch. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 35 (3): 55-56.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1997): Avian profile of Chhari-Dhand, Kutch, Gujarat, India. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 37 (91): 1-4.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1997): conservation fund : white-naped Tit survey,Gujarat and Rajasthan,India. Oriental Bird club bulletin 25 : 6.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1998) : Thane Ka Tal- a wetland of international importance. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 38(5): 83-84 .
- Tiwari, J.K. (1999): Large clutch size in Grey Francolin (Francolinus pondicerianus) Newsletter for Birdwatchers 38 (6) : 105.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1999) Status of the Pied Tit in South India. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 39 (2): 36.
- Tiwari, J.K. (2000): Redheaded Falcon sightings in Kutch. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 40 (3): 37-38.
- Tiwari, J.K. (2001): Status and distribution of the White-naped Tit Parus nuchalis in Gujarat and Rajasthan. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 98 (1) : 26-30.
- Tiwari, J.K., & Akhtar, S.A. (1993): Notes on the Status and Distribution of White-bellied Minivet in Kutch, Gujarat, : Newsletter for Birdwatchwers 33 93) : 45-47.
- Tiwari, J.K. & Langha, A.O. (1994) : A breeding record of the Crested Honey Buzzard Pernis ptilorhynchus ruficollis Journal of the Bombay natural History Society 91 (2): 310.
- Tiwari, J.K.:, Mundkur, T, Varu, S.N. & Majethia Pravin (1996) : Forther evidence o Caspian Tern Sterna caspia breeding in North-western India. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 36 (6) : 107-110.
- Tiwari, J.K. & Rahmani, A.R. (1997) : The current status and biology of the White-naped Tit Parus nuchalis in Kutch, Gujarat, India. Forktail 12 (August) ; 79-85.
- Tiwari, J.K. & Varu S.N. (1999) : Sightings of Green Munia Estrilda Formosa in Gujarat and Rajasthan. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 39 (2) ; 29-30.
- Tiwari, J.K. , Varu, S.N. & Himmatsinhji M.K., (1996) : The Occurrence of grey Hypocolius Hypocolius ampelinus in Kutch, Gujarat, India. Forktail 11 (February) : 33-38.
- Tiwari, Jugal Kishor (1993): The Guests of a Jheel Village. Hornbill 1993 (4) : 24-26.
- Tiwari Jugal Kishor & Rahmani, Asad R. (1997) : The banni Grasslands. Chap. 5. In : A study of the Ecology of Grasslands of the Indian Plains with particular reference to their Endangered fauna. Vol. Final. Ed. Rahmani, Asad, R.) Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay, pp. 341-433.
- Tiwari, Jugal Kishor 91996): “Chhari-Dhand” a pristine wetland (flooded grassland) of Banni : The Wildlifer 1 (2) : 5-6.
- Akhtar, S.A. & Tiwari, J.K. (1991) : Notes from Kutch. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 31 (11-12): 10-11.
- Akhtar, S.A ; Rao Prakash ; Tiwari, J.K. & Javed Salim (1992) ; Spotted Munia Lonchura punctulata from Dachigam National park, Jammu and Kashmir Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 89 (1) ; 129.
- Akhtar, S.A. & Tiwari, J.K. (1992): Blacknecked Grebe from Chhari-Dhand, Kutch, Gujarat, Newsletter for Birdwatchers 32 (9-10) ; 16.
- Akhtar, S.A. & Tiwari, J.K. (1994) Tickell’s Leaf Warbler and Blyth’s Pipit in District Rajkot, Gujarat, Newsletter for Birdwatchers 34 95) ; 117-118.
- Akhtar, S.A., ; Tiwari, J.K. & Bapat N.N. 919920 Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris (Menetries) in Western India, Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 89 (1) : 116-117.
- Akhtar, S. Asad & Tiwari J.K. (1992); Brood of the Indian Field Mouse Mus booduga in an abandoned Baya nest. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society (89) 2; 245.
- Akhtar, S. Asad & Tiwari, J.K. (1993); Food Piracy by a White Stork Ciconia ciconia (Linn). Journal of the Bombay natural History Society 90 (1) 91.
- Akhtar, S. Asad & Tiwari, J.K. (1993); Record of Predation on birds trapped in mistnets. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 90 (1) 99.
- Varu S.N. & Tiwari, J.K. (1994); The Great White pelican in Kutch, Gujarat. Newsletter for Birdwatchers 34 96); 134.
- Varu S.N. & Tiwari, J.K, (1996); Curious behaviour of Common Wood Shrikes Newsletter for Birdwatchers 36 (3); 58.
- Varu, S.N. & Tiwari, J.K. (2000) Vulture watch in Kutch, newsletter for Birdwatchers 40 (3); 41-42.
- Varu S.N, & Tiwari, J.K. (2000); Vulture watch in Kutch, Hornbill 2000 (July September); 24.
- Hussain, S.A., Akhtar, S.A. & Tiwari, J.K. (1991) An Unususal congregation of Slenderbilled Gulls at Nirvandh, Kutch, Gujarat, Newsletter for Birdwatchers 31 (11-12) 11-12.
- Hussain S.A., Akhtar, S.A. & Tiwari, J.K. (1992); Status and Distribution of White-winged Black Tit in Kutch, Gujarat, India. Bird Conservation International. 1992 (2); 115-122.
- Tiwari J. K. & Rahmani A.R. (1998) Large Heronries of Kutch and nesting of Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus in India. Journ. Of Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 95 pp. (67-70).
- Tiwari, J.K. & Rahmani Asad, R. (2002) ; Wintering Common Cranes and their Habitat in Kutch.s Salim Ali’s Centennary Workshop Proceedings.BNHS. Rahmani.
- Akhtar S.A. & Tiwari, J.K. (1992); Food Piracy by a Jackal from a Jungle Cat at Chhari-Dhand. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society. vol. 88 pp 108.
- Akhtar, S.A. & Tiwari, J.K (1993) ; Nest Contents of Tawny Eagle. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society. Vol. 90, no. 1, pp 91.
- Tiwari, J.K, (1991); Food of Dhaman Ptyas mucosus vol. 87, no. 2 Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society pp. 308.
- Tiwari, J.K. (1990); Five-striped Squirel killing Birds Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 87 [1] 308 .
- Tiwari,J.K, (1990); Threat to traditional grassland. Centre of Environment Education. Nature Future News.vol. 5,1990.
- Tiwari, J.K. Unusual feeding behaviour of Gray Musk shrew. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society. vol. 91 (2) 8/94, pp. 308.
- Tiwari, J.K. (2001); Stranded Whales on the Gujarat Coast. JOURNAL. Bombay natural History Society 98 (2), Aug, 2001.
- Unidentified Wolf like Canid in the Danakil Desert of Eritrea, Horn of Africa,Tiwari J.K.,Claudio Sillero-Zuberi; Canid News, Canid Specialist group. Online Journal, of IUCN.
- The Jackals of Kaladunger. Hornbill 1992 [1]
- Gando Baval ”Story of an alien plant in Banni grassland” 1993. Hornbill 1993 [2].
- Vishnois they Save Desert Wildlife. Hornbill 1994.
- The Dedicated Vishnoi people translate conservation ethic into a force for rescuing Indigenous Wildlife in Indian Desert.
- “Diversity magazine” Genetic Resources Communication
- System U.S.A..Vol. 11 No.4,1995 with Dr.A.B.Damania.
- Kutch a Jurassic Park, on the Fossils of Kutch. Hornbill 1994
- Footprints on the sands of Time. Sristhi magazine, Delhi 1997
- “Prossopis juliflora in Banni Grassland a Boon or a Bane”. SRISTHI MAGAZINE.
- Shrike Bulbuls of the Middle -East. SRISTHI MAGAZINE, New Delhi July 1997
- Profile of a tree that is changing the face of Kutch, by J. K. Tiwari and Asad R. Rahmani. Down To Earth April 15, 1999 pp. (32-34)
- Thane Ka Tal “A wetland of International Importance. Ramsar Convention Bureau newsletter. Wetland Profile.
- Voices ; Wetlands of Banni; SRISTHI MAGAZINE 2001. New Delhi.
- Can Do Will Do, Live and Let Live ; On Vishnoi community of Rajasthan ; SRISTHI MAGAZINE May 2001.
- White-naped Tit; MISTNET; Quaterly newsletter of the Indian Bird conservation network (IBCN) vol 2, no 3.
- 1989-90 BNHS Bird Migration Report on Madhav N.P. & Dachigam National Park.
- 1990-91 BNHS Bird Migration report on Chhari-Dhand, Kutch
- 1991-92 BNHS Bird Migration report on Chhari-Dhand, Kutch
- 1992-93 Grassland Ecology Project report on Banni, Kutch
- 1993-94 Grassland Ecology Project report on Banni, Kutch
- 1994-95 Grassland Ecology Project report on Banni, Kutch
- Status and Distribution Survey of the White-naped Tit in Gujarat and Rajasthan. A 108 page report on the globally threatened species of bird. Project Funded by the Leica Camera Company of U.K. through the Oriental Bird Club of U.K.
- Survey of the Great and Little Rann of Kutch for the breeding birds and endangered species of Wildlife. (A 174 pages report)
- Status and Distribution Survey of the Great White or Rosy Pelicans and the Dalmatian Pelicans in Kutch district, Gujarat, India.
- Status and distribution Survey of the endemic and endangered White-naped Tit Parus nuchalis in the South Indian Hills of Karnataka and Tamilnadu.