Checklist of Mammals of Kutch

Listing by :- Jugal Tiwari

Sr. No.Names of the MammalsScientific Names Status
1Jungle CatFelis chausCommon
2Desert CatFelis sylvestrisRare
3CaracalCaracal caracalVery rare
4Common LeopardPanthera pardusVery rare
5NilgaiBoselaphus tragocamelusCommon
6Indian Gazelle (Chinkara)Gazella bennettiiRare
7Wild PigSus scrofaCommon
8Asiatic Wild AssEqus onagerCommon - Little Rann and Khadir Endemic and endangered
9JackalCanis aureusCommon
10Striped HyenaHyaena hyaenaUncommon
11WolfCanis lupusRare, endangered
12Indian FoxVulpus bengalensisuncommon
13Desert FoxVulpus vulpus pusillaRare,endangered
14Honey BadgerMellivora capensisUncommon
15Small Indian CivetVivericulla indicaUncommon
16Grey MongooseHerpestes edwardsiiCommon
17Small Indian MongooseHerpestes javanicusCommon
18Indian PangolinManis crassicaudataVery rare
19Indian HareLepus nigricollisCommon
20House ShrewSunchus murinusCommon
21Collared Hedgehog or Longeared HedgehogHemiechinis collarisUncommon
22Indian Hedgehog or Pale hedgehogHemiechinis micropusUncommon
23Indian PorcupineHystrix indicaUncommon
24Five striped Palm SquirrelFunambulus pennantiCommon
25Lesser Bandicoot-RatBandicota bengalensisCommon
26Indian GerbilTatera indicaCommon
27Indian Desert JirdMeriones hurrianaeCommon
28House RatRattus rattusCommon
29Sand-coloured RatMillardia gleadowiiUncommon
30Indian Bush RatGolunda elliotiCommon
31Little Indian Field MouseMus boodugaCommon
32Indian Flying FoxPteropus giganteusCommon
33Fulvous Fruit BatRousettus leschenaultiUncommon
34Greater Mousetailed BatRhinopoma microphyllumCommon
35Common PipistrellePipistrellus pipistrellusCommon
36Indi Pacific Humped backed DolphinSousa chinensisUncommon - Seen at Pingleshwar coast during high tides
37Sperm WhalePhyseter catadonDead whales seen on sea-shores
38Blue WhaleBalaenoptera musculusDead whales recorded from some places on sea-shores
39DugongDugong dugonVery rare in Gulf of Kutch
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